March 16, 2024: release of the new website

April 14, 2024: Addition in the French section (Bretagne)

New castle additions (thumbnails) in the German section (Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse)

July 21, 2024: I have been traveling a lot lately and been to Switzerland, Finland, San Marino, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, among others.

That is why the website has been on hold. I expect to expand the website further in the coming Autumn and Winter.

Addition of the new country Finland.


This website is under construction.

Until March 16, 2024, this website was hosted elsewhere.

I had to move it to a new website hosting company,

but that means that the website had to be built again from scratch.

I will do this step by step. Thanks for your patience.

In the near future, all castles will have a link to their individual webpage,

with more pictures.